I2P Android dev builds

I have started working on an overhaul of the UI for I2P Android. I will post here whenever I have a new release for testing.

The latest release will always be available here.

This first alpha release (0.9.7-20_b1-API18) contains a large initial overhaul of the UI. The main changes:

  • The target API is now API 18 (Android 4.3). The minimum required API is still API 8 (Android 2.2) - the Android Support Library is used to provide newer features.
  • The action bar has been implemented and provides direct access to most previous menu items.
  • A navigation drawer has been implemented as the main navigation system.
  • The Addressbook now uses a SearchView in the action bar to search the list of domains.
  • An I2PTunnel interface has been implemented. Tunnels can be viewed, created (via a tunnel creation wizard), started and stopped.
  • Addressbook and I2PTunnel support two-pane view for tablets.
  • Licenses and Release Notes are now accessible from the Help Activity, which can be reached through the action overflow.

There are many other small changes as well. There are also many parts that are unfinished. To name a few:

  • There is no detail pane for the Addressbook.
  • Tunnels cannot be edited (the detail/edit page needs to be designed).
  • The Help Activity is just a blank screen.

The SHA1 sum for this release is 259dafcddb38ee8dcc691896145aae6237a2945d

Please post feedback on the dev forum topic page.